American Diversity Report and Global Leadership Class Celebrate 1st Anniversary
Released on: August 22, 2008, 8:18 am
Press Release Author: American Diversity Report
Industry: Education
Press Release Summary: ADR celebrates a major milestone of over 3,000% growth in online readership and participation. The American Diversity Report (ADR) is based on extensive research in diversity training, organizational development and multi-cultural literacy.
Press Release Body: The American Diversity Report (ADR), formerly known as Communication Prose Ink, celebrates a major milestone. The ADR has grown 3,000 % with more than 16,000 unique viewers accessing this month. Editor-in-Chief Deborah Levine oversees more than 3 dozen contributing writers, including several Chattanoogans. The ADR provides online diversity news, profiles analysis in key areas: business, community, religion, culture, health, the arts, environment and cross-cultural communication.
The American Diversity Report reflects Levine's philosophy of \'Real Diversity for Real People.\' "Deborah has a wealth of knowledge and brings a valuable perspective to any project or conversation. She is not afraid to break down barriers and challenge boundaries to make things happen, but she does so in a way that is enlightening and non-threatening. If you need someone to build a positive culture of diversity in your organization, Deborah is the right person to facilitate the process," says Danette Scudder, TVPPA Training Director.
The Global Leadership Class, ADR's community outreach, also celebrates its 1st year. Twenty-three civic, service and business leaders are already enrolled in the upcoming Class: registration ends September 10. Marcellus Scott, Director of Human Resources for EPB, describes his Class experience, "It is one thing to understand and value diversity, yet another to engage in a process of deepening that understanding through exposure to perspectives we don\'t always come across in our day to day working and social lives. The Global Leadership Class has provided just such a perspective. Chattanooga is better for it."
The ADR and Global Leadership Class are valuable resources given Chattanooga's global initiatives, including the new Volkswagen plant. The Class now carries Continuing Education Units (CEU) from Chattanooga State Technical Community College. Mary Knaff, who oversees the college's diversity and multicultural initiatives, noted, "The Global Leadership class broadened my perspective on the social and educational imperative of diversity...bridging the educational gaps in our society and the social borders in our global world."